13th of March, 2024
Intro: Why is pastoralism important globally and in the Balkans?
→ Challenges for the balanced attribution of pastoral environmental impact, François Lerin (AIDA), Claire Bernard-Mongin (Cirad) and Pastoral production in the Balkans context, Jimmy Balouzat (AirCoop)
Presentations: Getting to know each other
→ Traditional pig farming in the Sava River floodplain forests, Alen Kis (Institution for nature conservation of Voïvodina Province)
→ Adaptative Grazing Practices in Pester Plateau, Tamara Zivadinovic (Mena)
→ Shepherd schools in Europe – a brief overview, Alice Garnier (Institut Agro, Florac)
Opportunities of common actions
→ Call for Partners: Presentation by Alice Garnier (Institut Agro Florac) of an Erasmus project on Pastoral Knowledge Transmission
Interested in taking part of a project on promoting pastoralism training on agricultural technical schools? A project is currently under construction and a partnership is being sought. For more information, please contact Alice Garnier : alice.garnier[at]supagro.fr
→ International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists (2026) : Making the voice of the Balkans heard?