Category Archives: Non classé

Bosnia & Herzegovina | Territorial diagnosis of two municipalities

The documents in open access below are the result of research conducted in Bosnia & Herzegovina from May 2022 to March 2023. This action was organized by the CZZS (Centar za životnu sredinu – Center for the Environment).

This research was entilted: Climate change, biodiversity and agroenvironnement nexus – Building a strategical approach for a territorial sustainable and inclusive development.

The objective was to draw up a strategic diagnosis – for an environmental mobilization – of two B&H north-west municipalities, in Sanski Most and Mrkonjić Grad – therefore both in territories of entities Republika Srpska and Federation of BiH.

The choosen scale of analysis for the diagnosis was to investigate a “territory” that makes sense from the nexus point of view: Climate Change / Biodiversity / Agrienvironment and thus make it possible to converge mobilizations and environmental concerns with a territorial comprehensive strategy.

The result was to strengthen advocacy actions, interpellation of public authorities (at the various levels), encouraging nature-based solutions, and bundling climate change challenges with biodiversity and High Nature Value farming protection.

Documents :

Research Report (in BHS): Teritorijalna djagnoza opstinaa opština. Merkonjić Grad I Sanski Most. (= Territorial diagnosis of Mrkonjić Grad and Sanski Most. Authors: Zoé Siegel et Borka Malešević – under the supervision/edition of: Majda Ibrakovic & Marko Ivanesevic (CZZS 1 University of Banja Luka) and Orianne Crouteix et François Lerin (AIDA). 2023.

(A venir)

Zoé Siegel, 2022. Master thesis: Identification et compréhension des principaux enjeux environnemataux à l’échelle du territoire en Bosnie-Herzegovine. Defended 19/01/2022. AgroParisTech.

Photo (banner) : Water intake for a micro-hydroelectric power station in the Municipality of Mrkonjić Grad (Bosnia & Herzegovina), 2022 / François Lerin.

Just published | Balkanology : Environment in the Balkans

François Lerin (AIDA based) and Claire Bernard (CIRAD) dedicated almost a year to conclude a special issue of the Journal Balkanology about “ Environment in the Balkans: Historical and Contemporary questions”, a file with eight scientific articles, both in French (with English summary) and English.

This 2021 volume and all the previous of  Balkanologie are in open source, freely accessible. Founded in 1997, the journal Balkanologie is published by the French Association for Balkan Studies (AFEBalk). Twice a year, it publishes research in the humanities and social sciences relating to South-Eastern Europe, an area understood in the broad sense as extending from Hungary to Turkey, with a large temporal scope: from the Ottoman era to our days.

The introduction by Francois and Claire is only in French deals with Environment in the Balkans: Historical and Contemporary Issues. First we try to tried to find out if the Balkans were a relevant aggregate for dealing with environmental issues – exploring this possible relevance though: the Climate change issue, Biodiversity and resources and pollutions.

But we also try to understand how the environmental issue is “framed” in the Balkans region. To use the pragmatist terms of Richard Rortry, it is a question of giving some indications on the way in which the “scientific conversation” on the environmental question engages in the region.

Over the past three decades, conflicts, wars, nationalism, religious and identity issues have operated as major organizers of social science narratives in the Balkans, as well as issues of governance, post-communist transition and integration into the European Union.

An “audience” for environmental issues has only recently been built around narratives and analysis of related stories, problems and conflicts. Without constituting epistemic or practitioner’s communities, the “program” (of this scientific conversation) is undoubtedly in the process of being constituted…

After this we presents the issue by distributing the articles in three types.

(1) Moments of the environmental history :

(2) Sector analysis :

(3) Environmental mobilizations :

Just published | Mountain areas of large Mediterranean islands

Aida, in collaboration with the Spatial Laboratory of the University of Thessaly, Volos (Greece) has just completed the publication of the proceedings of the European Conference Troodos-Cyprus of January 2020: Mountain areas of large Mediterranean islandsEuropean issues. National and Regional policies and local mechanisms. Alice Garnier and François Lerin have designed a compact layout for this edition with 26 papers presenting in a synthetic way a work perspective, an organisation, an experience… See the presentation text by Dimitris Goussios & François Lerin “A European Conference on insular Mountain Territories in the Mediterranean”.

Claire Bernard and François Lerin have also tried in this book to make a schematic periodization: “Evolution of the interface between agriculture and environment. For the construction of strategic Mediterranean territorial issues”.

You can download the full document in English or French, the Greek version is forthcoming and will be posted on our website:

Photo (banner): East coast of Evia Island (Greece), summer 2021/ François Lerin